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tv   ABC World News With Diane Sawyer  ABC  February 5, 2013 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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now in his mother's arms, away from that underground bunker, where he was held hostage by a man with a gun, and, we learned tonight, an improvised explosive device. the fbi's bold plan to rescue him coming into sharp focus. abc news has confirmed that negotiators convinced jimmy lee dykes, ethan's captor, to approach the bunker door to accept delivery of an item. there, fbi agents set off an explosive device. law enforcement sources say dykes fired on the agents. they fired back. and moments later, dykes was dead and ethan was safe. the fbi and highly specialized s.w.a.t. teams spent seven days planning the raid, while hostage negotiators tried to keep dykes talking. we boarded a helicopter here in southern alabama to get our first look at dykes' underground bunker site. you can see here a number of small structures on this lot of land. but look. what dykes didn't know, just across the street, the fbi had recently built this mock bunker, to train agents for different scenarios.
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>> you can practice breaching the door. you can practice how to get a camera inside. and ultimately design how you're going to assault this bunker. >> reporter: as authorities swarmed the ground above, hostage negotiators remained in contact with dykes, speaking through a ventilation pipe. authorities were able to sneak a small camera inside the six by eight foot bunker to monitor dykes' movements. then, when authorities saw dykes becoming increasingly agitated and holding a gun, they put their plan into action. now ethan is recuperating from his ordeal. and just moments ago, we received a letter from ethan's mom. she says that for the first time in almost a week, she woke up to a beautiful sight this morning -- her sweet little boy. diane? >> and we love looking at his face and his smile. but gio, let me go back for a moment. the man with the gun, do i understand correctly? he had a television, he could see all of you reporting and what was behind you, he had no idea, right out of frame, were
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commandos preparing for this raid? >> reporter: in fact, they were training right next to the media here. >> all right, well, thank you so much, gio. again, it was an amazing, bold strike on their part. thank you. and with our thanks to gio, we turn now to that secret document, 16 pages long and stirring up so much controversy tonight. it is a kind of handbook for lethal power against terrorists, even if they are american citizens. abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl tells us about the news today. >> reporter: by one count, president obama has already used unmanned cia drones to strike more than 300 suspected terrorist targets, even more than his predecessor. but today, we learned just how much authority the administration believes it has to kill, without trial or evidence, suspected terrorists, even american citizens. a newly disclosed justice department document says american citizens tied to al qaeda can be killed, if, "an informed, high-level official believes the target poses an
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imminent threat." but the document says it "does not require the government to have clear evidence." case in point, anwar al awlaki, an american citizen and top al qaeda leader, linked to several terrorist attacks. he was killed in a 2011 drone strike. human rights advocates say the justice department memo goes way too far. and -- >> justifies essentially a claim that the executive branch can be judge, jury and executioner. >> reporter: as soon as he became president, barack obama stopped cia tactics like waterboarding that he considered torture. but this justifies outright killing of a suspected terrorist. how does dropping a bomb on an american citizen without any judicial review, any trial, not raise the very human rights questions, or more human rights questions, than something like waterboarding? >> the president understands the gravity of these issues. that is why he is committed to taking very seriously his responsibilities in this.
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>> reporter: the white house says that the president's top priority has been to protect the american people in a way consistent with our values. but you can expect that his choice to run the cia will face sharp questions on this at his confirmation hearings later on this week. and diane, some in congress are saying they want to impose limits on the administration's ability to use drone strikes. >> all right, jonathan karl reporting in from the white house. thank you, jon. and a few notes about overseas tonight. president obama announced today he will travel to israel, the west bank and to jordan this spring. and that will be his first trip there since taking office. and this image out of egypt today. president mahmoud ahmadinejad in cairo. the first time in 30 years an iranian leader has been welcomed there. the two countries cut ties after the iranian revolution in 1979. and back here at home, wall street called to account today. the federal government and 16
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states declared a kind of legal war on s&p, the huge ratings agency. they are now accused of helping trigger the biggest financial meltdown in recent times. and abc's senior justice correspondent pierre thomas has that story. >> reporter: rebecca hiramoto and her husband were among the millions of americans devastated when the housing market collapsed in 2008. the value of their home, their prime investment, cratered. >> if i think about it too much, it makes me sick. $500,000 in two years? it's like -- are you kidding me? >> reporter: today, prosecutors accused standard & poor's of lighting the fuse that helped ignite the housing and financial meltdown. >> while big banks and lenders built mortgage-backed bonds, it was s&p's faulty ratings that detonated them. >> reporter: for a fee, s&p rates the quality of investments, in essence, giving them a kind of good housekeeping seal of approval. the justice department claims that s&p kept giving top ratings to investments its own analysts warned were risky. >> s&p executives allegedly
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ignored these warnings and made false representations to investors and financial institutions. >> reporter: but today, attorneys for s&p suggested the government was on an unmerited witch hunt. >> the government is claiming there was a fraud, which didn't happen. their predictions were made in good faith. >> reporter: the government is seeking $5 billion in civil damages. but critics are wondering why this is not a criminal case, and why prosecutors are not trying to put s&p executives in jail. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. and up next here, a growing hazard in the air. it just happened in san francisco and our abc station there, kgo, caught it on tape. pilots stunned by light aimed at their eyes. abc's senior national correspondent jim avila took to the skies to bring us the story. >> reporter: it starts as a bright, narrow beam of green light at ground level. but by the time it gets to the cockpit, this laser explodes into a blinding, bright flash.
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a genuine hazard for pilots. >> you might think it's fun, but it's extremely dangerous. >> reporter: this san francisco news copter trained its camera on two men walking down the sidewalk, capturing their crime on tape. the second time in two weeks the kgo copter was lasered. this time, a red light. >> the guy was standing on his front porch and he kept doing it over and over again. >> reporter: police arrested the prankster, now facing $11,000 federal fine. the faa, fbi and local police cracking down after a jump in laser attacks. >> got him. >> reporter: from 300 in 2005 to nearly 3,500 last year. and january of this year, a record pace of nearly 350 laser sightings. >> we just got lasered up here. >> reporter: this is a jetblue pilot having difficulty approaching jfk in new york. >> can you have medical personnel meet the aircraft? the first officer is having vision problems. >> reporter: in glendale,
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california, we flew with a night police patrol that uses an infrared camera and aerial tracking devices, arresting 16 laser pointers in the last year and a half. chief pilot steve robertson was attacked himself, suffering two burned corneas. >> you take the vision from a pilot, that aircraft's ability to land is greatly compromised. >> reporter: on the lookout for a light that blinds, rather than illuminates. jim avila, abc news, washington. and now, we want to tell you about a great american athlete who took another tough tumble today. lindsey vonn, the comeback kid who won the big downhill race in the 2010 olympics, even though she has crashed and had to bounce back so often in her career. well, guess what? tonight, she has to do it again. this is her today, head over skis, crashing down a mountain in austria. watch it again, as we slow it down. she crumples, right there, after the landing, on her right knee and tears two ligaments.
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she'll need surgery. she was air-lifted away. and one more headline out of the sports world tonight. the super bowl. new documents released today showed that even before the big game, superdome officials were so worried about a power outage, they replaced hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment. the investigation of the blackout on sunday continues. and this was the scene in baltimore today. a sea of purple, a hero's welcome for the super bowl champs. and everyone was pumped, except maybe the 8-month-old son of ravens quarterback joe flacco, who was just kind of taking it in there in his cap. and last night, we told you about that spike in the price of gas, rising 18 cents in one week. well, tonight, another stark fact for drivers. we are spending more and more of our lives sitting in traffic. how much? and can you guess which city is the worst? here's abc's cecilia vega.
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>> reporter: the sea of brake lights, back-to-back, bumper-to-bumper. a never ending commute hell. that's jim mccauley's daily ritual from new jersey to new york. >> can be really frustrating at times, you know? 45 minutes sitting in traffic, it tests your patience. it really does. >> reporter: we've all done it, sat here trapped in our cars, saying, "this is such a waste of time." but how much time are we actually wasting? one study did the math. all that traffic means commuters spend an average of 38 hours a year just sitting there. in that amount of time, you could have taken five vacation days. played nine rounds of golf. watched all three seasons of "downton abbey." >> i play solitaire on my phone. >> reporter: sure, new york and l.a. are bad, but try living in the nation's capital. washington d.c. is home to the worst traffic in the country, where what should be a 30-minute drive takes about three hours. >> there's a longer commute because they're going to drive further to get a higher paying job.
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and so, rather than try to uproot the whole family, you uproot your commute and make it longer. >> reporter: in 2011, commuters wasted more than $800 a year on gas, just to sit in traffic. and that painfully boring ride could be painful for your body, too. studies show a ten-mile or more commute can lead to high blood pressure. 15 miles or more, bigger waistlines. and all that can lead to heart disease, diabetes, even some cancers. >> traffic is no longer something that people are surprised at. they expect it. >> reporter: so, some advice on how to manage it? stay off the roads on friday, the busiest commute day of the week. leave for work before the sun comes up. use a gps to find a detour or a back road. and lay off the horn. we're getting there as fast as we can. cecilia vega, abc news, new york. and still ahead on "world news," we're all counting on those hand sanitizers in this flu season. but which ones work the best? and how about soap?
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we put it all to the test and we have the answers, next. i'm here with daphne oz, a model of healthy habits. so daphene, do you eat activia. i do it's always in my fridge. and you know activia isn't just for minor digestive issues. exactly, it's also important for my overall well being because it helps regulate my digestive system. and when you feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside! whether at work, with friends, on a special night, or just enjoying an activia. shine from the inside out with activia. ♪ dannon
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get coricidin hbp. the number one pharmacist recommended cold brand designed for people with high blood pressure. and the only one i use to relieve my cold symptoms without raising my blood pressure. coricidin hbp. yeah. then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. ok. [ voice of dennis ] silence. are you in good hands? if your a man with low testosterone, [ voice of dennis ] silence. you should know that axiron is here. the only underarm treatment for low t. that's right, the one you apply to the underarm. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. axiron can transfer to others through direct contact.
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women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these signs and symptoms to your doctor if they occur. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. do not use if you have prostate or breast cancer. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet, or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. see your doctor, and for a 30-day free trial, go to in this season of flu and so many other germs, we're told again and again that hand sanitizers and soap are the best defense. last year, americans spent more than $170 million on hand sanitizers alone.
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so, we wondered, what works best? and how do the sanitizers compare in a showdown with soap? well, tonight, our chief medical editor dr. richard besser puts them to the test and gets some real answers. >> reporter: clean? as many as 400,000 germs per hand. that's how many bacteria travel with us every day. so, here at the university of maryland food safety lab, six brave grad students and i voluntarily doused our hands in a toxic brew of thousands of e-coli bacteria. yep, e-coli. good? something a little odd about rubbing e. coli. to see what would take it off. first up, hand sanitizers. we tested two kinds you'll find at the store. one with 60% alcohol and one so-called natural formula containing no alcohol. that's good? the key with hand sanitizers is to use enough of it. your hands should take a full 15 seconds or longer to dry. now let that air dry, okay? then, we pressed our hands onto
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special incubation plates to grow any remaining bacteria. the results? dramatic. here, those graying spots are the e. coli that grew from unwashed hands. after? using hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol. but the formula without alcohol? just look at how many germs are left behind. alcohol-based hand sanitizers work so much better because alcohol breaks up the bacteria's proteins and kills them. but if you really want to get clean, what's your best bet of all? guess what? it's your old friend -- soap. soap not only does as well on bacteria as the sanitizer, it gets more viruses, too. surprisingly, studies show regular and anti-bacterial soap are about equally effective. but how you use it is crucial. ready, set, go. most of us only spend five seconds at the sink. stop! just look how many germs remain. yuck! go! you have to wash your hands for a full 20 seconds to really get the bugs off. and yes, that's singing happy birthday twice.
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so, let's review again. hand sanitizers, if you can't get to a sink. look for one with at least 60% alcohol. but washing with soap -- any kind -- is better, as long as you wash for long enough. dr. richard besser, abc news, college park, maryland. and coming up here, remember the star of the super bowl ads? well, today, she got her name. find out what it is in our "instant index." [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic.
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you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. i you're suffering from constipation, miralax or metamucil may take days to work. for faster relief, try dulcolac laxative tablets.
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dulcolac provides gentle relief overnight unlike miralax and metamucil that can take up to 3 days. dulcolac provides gentle relief overnight we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much. i appreciate it. i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally. because vitamin d3 helps bones absorb calcium, caltrate's double the d. it now has more than any other brand to help maximize calcium absorption. so caltrate women can move the world.
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and we begin our "instant index" tonight by bringing you the latest on two stories from our "index" last night. first, that 528-year-old hunchback king, richard iii, whose skeleton was found under a parking lot in england. well, today, scientists used his skull to recreate his portrait in a 3d model. a surprising face for an allegedly ruthless king. and remember the baby foal whose super bowl commercial topped the charts? well, she got her name today. hope. after 60,000 suggestions streamed in from all of us. hope she is. and funny girl kristen wiig is about to rev up ron burgundy's engine. >> don't get me wrong, i love the ladies, i mean, they rev my engine. but they don't belong in the newsroom. >> it is anchorman! not anchorlady in dallas. that's how you tip it back! >> wiig will be joining ron, champ, brick and brian fontana
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for the "anchorman" sequel. it hits theaters this december. until then, stay classy, america. and we love your suggestions for the "instant index," so, tweet them to me, @dianesawyer. and coming up here, meet the lucky couple that were on the road, they took a bet and won a million bucks. and then, on the way home, took another chance and won again. how does that happen? [ male announcer ] want to make a great car interior? stop looking at car interiors. get inspired by other stuff. yep. yep. ok. sure. why not? woah. touchscreens. put that in your dash. now, luxury stuff. make your seats like that. that thing has wifi, why doesn't your car? you can't do that. ignore that guy. give it wifi. yes! make it fit 5 people. no, 5 actual sized people. give them leg room, good. destroy boring car interiors forever. and that's how you do it. easy. ♪ did you know not all fiber is the same?
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citrucel is different- it's the only fiber for regularity that won't cause excess gas. it's gentle and clinically proven to help restore and maintain regularity. look for citrucel today. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service®, works for thousands of home businesses. because at®, you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small. well, technically i wear one. sometimes life can be well, a little uncomfortable. but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go, it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable.
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bob will retire when he's 153, which would be fine if bob were a vampire. but he's not. ♪ he's an architect with two kids and a mortgage. luckily, he found someone who gave him a fresh perspective on his portfolio. and with some planning and effort, hopefully bob can retire at a more appropriate age. it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. hi, i'm ensure clear...
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clear, huh? i'm not juice or fancy water. i've got nine grams of protein. that's three times more than me! [ female announcer ] ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands? and finally tonight, imagine you're lucky enough to win a million dollars in a lottery, and then, just for kicks, you decide to test the odds again. what is it like to win twice? find out with abc's nick watt.
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>> reporter: i say we crown steve and terri weaver america's luckiest couple. yep, that's not one check from the lottery. that's two. here's what happened. heading to their cabin last weekend, the weavers stopped at the citgo in pangburn and bought some scratch cards. >> and it said one m-i-l and finally it dawned on me that meant $1 million. >> reporter: next day, they went back into town and bought some more. it was terri's turn. >> i'd give anything if i had a picture of her face right then. and i said, "yeah, sure, terri. i won a million dollars yesterday and you're going to try to steal my thunder." >> reporter: not quite, but terri bagged another 50 grand. the chances of that double win? well, that's 1 in billions. but rules are there to be broken, odds are there to be cheated. frano selak, a croatian music teacher, survived a train wreck, a plane crash, four horrific car accidents, a bus crash and getting hit by a bus. then, aged 74, bought a lottery ticket and won a million bucks. and now the weavers. and terri's tried, but failed,
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to spend even a little money. >> i was at the mall yesterday after this and i told steve, i said, you know, there's not really anything that i want right now. >> reporter: and steve, a plumber, doesn't even want a new truck. >> no, i really like the truck i've got. it's six, seven years old. it's just -- it's a good truck and i like it. >> reporter: so, what will they do with the money? >> it's going to be a little -- actually a large nest egg for us for our retirement. >> reporter: couldn't have happened to a nicer couple. nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> and as one of our journalistic heroes said once, good night and good luck. thanks for watching. we're always working for you at "nightline" later at its new time, 12:35 a.m. eastern. and i will see you right back here again tomorrow night. good night.
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breaking news from rural sonoma county. three men have been found dead in a house. >> tonight a new earthquake retro fit plan that will cause homeowners tens of thousands of dollars. >> what does your town right to outlaw pot clubs. bowl loss by cleaning out lockers. tonight coach harbaugh expresses regrets about the team's final drive. >> and it's happening now in a home in forestville in rural sonoma county. three people have been found
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dead. good evening, let's give you an idea where this investigation is taking place now. it's at on ross station road in you are rural forestville. now, sky 7 was over the home as deputies combed the grounds for clues. investigators say three men were found dead inside of the home. police have yet to say how he were killed they confimpl that they were answering a call of a triple shooting when racing to the house. the crime scene is at a property near iron horse vineyards. employees say they've been told to stay away. >> abc 7 news reporter allen wong just arrived on the scene. allen we're going to show more video but what else can you tell us about what is going on there now? >> unfortunately we're having problem was allen's cell phone connection. and we hope to get back to
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this for you shorltly. >> sheriff deputies are on the scene now. three people killed. we'll try to get more information as we get boots on the ground there on this breaking news. so stay here. >> police have identified thedhy park last week. and they have released pictures. the 13-year-old january yell renee conway allen's body was found friday morning. this picture taken just minutes before she was last seen thursday afternoon. she was wearing a gray sweat shirt with blue leggings and carried a pink backpack. there is a tip line that you see on the screen and they're planning a news conference to give a progress report. >> a voluntary program designed to make san francisco more earthquake safe could now


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